

海外直订The Strategies to Uphold the Vision of Higher Learning Institution 坚持高校愿景的策略

海外直订The Strategies to Uphold the Vision of Higher Learning Institution 坚持高校愿景的策略,

海外直订Curriculum as Institution and Practice 课程作为制度与实践

海外直订Curriculum as Institution and Practice 课程作为制度与实践,

海外直订Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the Institution 学习评估:在整个机构中建立

海外直订Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the Institution 学习评估:在整个机构中建立,

【4周达】Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 120 [9781434434104]

【4周达】Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 120 [9781434434104],

海外直订Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 史密森学会董事会年度报告

海外直订Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 史密森学会董事会年度报告,

预订【德语】 Gesellschaft als imaginäre Institution:Entwurf einer politischen Philosop

预订【德语】 Gesellschaft als imaginäre Institution:Entwurf einer politischen Philosop,

按需印刷Job Satisfaction of Teaching Staff in Private Higher Institution[9783639254730]

按需印刷Job Satisfaction of Teaching Staff in Private Higher Institution[9783639254730],

海外直订The Anatomy of a Scientific Institution: The Paris Academy of Sciences, 1666-180 科学机构的剖析:巴黎科学院

海外直订The Anatomy of a Scientific Institution: The Paris Academy of Sciences, 1666-180 科学机构的剖析:巴黎科学院,

按需印刷The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales:Volume II: Institution-Building[9781138601659]

按需印刷The Official History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales:Volume II: Institution-Building[9781138601659],

海外直订Insead: D'Une Intuition a Une Institution (French Language Edition) 欧洲工商管理学院:D'Une Intuitio

海外直订Insead: D'Une Intuition a Une Institution (French Language Edition) 欧洲工商管理学院:D'Une Intuitio,

海外直订Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 土木工程师学会会议记录

海外直订Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 土木工程师学会会议记录,

【4周达】Banking and Microfinance Institution Partnerships: A Comparative Analysis of Cambodia and Au... [9781032170459]

【4周达】Banking and Microfinance Institution Partnerships: A Comparative Analysis of Cambodia and Au... [9781032170459],

【预售】英文原版 Smithsonian Journal 史密森尼杂志 Smithsonian Institution 激发想象力收录激励性语录励志文学书籍

【预售】英文原版 Smithsonian Journal 史密森尼杂志 Smithsonian Institution 激发想象力收录激励性语录励志文学书籍,

海外直订Understanding the University: Institution, idea, possibilities 了解大学:制度、理念、可能性

海外直订Understanding the University: Institution, idea, possibilities 了解大学:制度、理念、可能性,

英文原版 Peculiar Institution 特殊制度 内战前南方的奴隶制 美国历史 Kenneth M. Stampp 英文版 进口英语原版书籍

英文原版 Peculiar Institution 特殊制度 内战前南方的奴隶制 美国历史 Kenneth M. Stampp 英文版 进口英语原版书籍,

机构 海伦·菲尔兹  英文原版 The Institution

机构 海伦·菲尔兹 英文原版 The Institution,

海外直订Modernism, the Market and the Institution of the New 现代主义、市场和新制度

海外直订Modernism, the Market and the Institution of the New 现代主义、市场和新制度,

海外直订Financial diagnosis of a microfinance institution 小额信贷机构的财务诊断

海外直订Financial diagnosis of a microfinance institution 小额信贷机构的财务诊断,

海外直订Christmas at the Royal Institution: An Anthology of Lectures by M Faraday, J Tyn 《皇家学院的圣诞节:M·法拉

海外直订Christmas at the Royal Institution: An Anthology of Lectures by M Faraday, J Tyn 《皇家学院的圣诞节:M·法拉,

按需印刷Power, Politics, and Adult Educational Administration:The Case of a Liberal Arts Institution[9780367151942]

按需印刷Power, Politics, and Adult Educational Administration:The Case of a Liberal Arts Institution[9780367151942],

海外直订Institution of Intellectual Values: Realism and Idealism in Higher Education 知识价值制度:高等教育中的现实

海外直订Institution of Intellectual Values: Realism and Idealism in Higher Education 知识价值制度:高等教育中的现实,

按需印刷Evaluation of the budgetary management of a public health institution[9786204170626]

按需印刷Evaluation of the budgetary management of a public health institution[9786204170626],

海外直订The First Modern Museums of Art: The Birth of an Institution in 18th- And Early- 第一批现代艺术博物馆:18世

海外直订The First Modern Museums of Art: The Birth of an Institution in 18th- And Early- 第一批现代艺术博物馆:18世,

海外直订Curriculum as Institution and Practice: Essays in the Deliberative Tradition 制度与实践课程:评议传统中的论

海外直订Curriculum as Institution and Practice: Essays in the Deliberative Tradition 制度与实践课程:评议传统中的论,

机构 海伦·菲尔兹  英文原版 The Institution

机构 海伦·菲尔兹 英文原版 The Institution,

海外直订Insead: From Intuition to Institution Insead:从直觉到制度

海外直订Insead: From Intuition to Institution Insead:从直觉到制度,

海外直订Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 史密森学会董事会年度报告

海外直订Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 史密森学会董事会年度报告,

海外直订Why Balanced Scorecard in Higher Education Institution 平衡计分卡在高校中的应用

海外直订Why Balanced Scorecard in Higher Education Institution 平衡计分卡在高校中的应用,

海外直订Marriage as a Social Institution is a Psycho-Cultural Study on Women 婚姻作为一种社会制度是对女性的心理文化

海外直订Marriage as a Social Institution is a Psycho-Cultural Study on Women 婚姻作为一种社会制度是对女性的心理文化,

海外直订Taking Ownership of Accreditation: Assessment Processes that Promote Institution 获得认证的所有权:促进制度

海外直订Taking Ownership of Accreditation: Assessment Processes that Promote Institution 获得认证的所有权:促进制度,