工作场所的权力与礼貌 工作时谈话的社会语言学解析 第2版 Power and Politeness in Workplace 英文原版 Janet H【中商原版?,
预售 按需印刷 Politeness, Impoliteness and Ritual,
【4周达】The Evolution of English Prose, 1700 1800: Style, Politeness, and Print Culture [9780521021548],
海外直订Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry 日本人的礼貌:一个问题,
海外直订The Ladies' Book of Etiquette: Manual of Politeness 女士礼仪手册:礼貌手册,
海外直订Speech Acts and Politeness across Languages and Cultures 语言和文化中的言语行为和礼貌,
【4周达】Hypocrisy and the Politics of Politeness: Manners and Morals from Locke to Austen [9780521047388],
【4周达】Hypocrisy and the Politics of Politeness: Manners and Morals from Locke to Austen [9780521835237],
【4周达】Power and Politeness in the Workplace : A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Talk at Work [9781138809055],
【4周达】The Evolution of English Prose, 1700 1800: Style, Politeness, and Print Culture [9780521624329],
预订 The Ladies' Book of Etiquette: A Manual of Politeness from a Gentler Time [9780486813301],
预订 The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette: A Manual of Politeness from a Gentler Time [9780486813479],
【4周达】Japanese at Work: Politeness, Power, and Personae in Japanese Workplace Discourse [9783030096953],
【4周达】Intercultural Politeness : Managing Relations across Cultures [9781107176225],
【4周达】Women, Men and Politeness (Real Language Series) [9780582063617],
【4周达】The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)Politeness [9781137375070],
【4周达】The Ethics of Politeness - Hints to Dancers [9781445523866],
【4周达】From Speech Acts to Lay Understandings of Politeness: Multilingual and Multicultural Perspec... [9781107198050],
【4周达】Politeness and Culture in Second Language Acquisition [9781137030627],
【4周达】English Politeness and Class [9781107116061],
【4周达】Power and Politeness in the Workplace : A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Talk at Work [9781138809062],
【4周达】Politeness and its Discontents: Problems in French Classical Culture - Politeness and its Di... [9780521029865],
【4周达】The Politeness of Princes and other school stories [9789395034869],
【4周达】Politeness in the History of English : From the Middle Ages to the Present Day [9781108499620],
【4周达】The Story of Captain Politeness and Captain Rudeness [9781775394389],
【4周达】The Politeness of Princes [9781604598445],
【4周达】The Gentleman's Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness [9781843915416],
【4周达】The Primer of Politeness: Industrial Civility [9781935907602],
【4周达】Exploring Politeness in Business Emails : A Mixed-Methods Analysis [9781788925952],
【4周达】Politeness in Language: Studies in its History, Theory and Practice [9783110183009], |