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海外直订No Mistakes Resumes 没有错误继续,
海外直订Resumes for Computer Careers 计算机职业简历,
海外直订Resume 101: A Student and Recent-Grad Guide to Crafting Resumes and Cover Letter 简历101:一个学生和最近的,
海外直订Wow! Resumes for Administrative Careers: How to Put Together a Winning Resume 真的!行政事业简历:如何整理,
海外直订Competency-Based Resumes: How to Bring Your Resume to the Top of the Pile 基于能力的简历:如何把你的简历放,
海外直订Blue Collar Resumes 蓝领的简历,
海外直订Resumes from Hell: How (Not) To Write A Resume and Succeed In Your Job Search by 地狱简历:如何(不)写一份,
海外直订Resumes for Social Service Careers 社会服务事业简历,
海外直订Resume Factory: Writing Resumes for the 21st Century 简历工厂:为21世纪写简历,
海外直订医药图书Nurses, Jobs and Resumes: Resume Revisions for RNs From the New Grad RN to the E 护士、工作与简历:,
海外直订101 Best Resumes for Grads 101份毕业生最佳简历,
【预售 按需印刷】Resumes for the Health Care Professional,
【预售按需印刷】Hiring Resumes Presents... Interview Presentation a How to Guide for Job Seekers,
【4周达】Portfolios For Interior Designers: A Guide To Portfolios, Creative Resumes, And The Job Sear... [9780470408162],
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【4周达】Resumes for Computer Careers [9780071493208],
海外直订Job Search: Fundamentals of Effective Job Hunting, Resumes, and Interviews 求职:有效求职、简历和面试的基础,
【4周达】Resumes That Work: How To Sell Yourself On Paper Second Edition [Wiley经管] [9780471577478],
海外直订Writing Resumes and Cover Lett 写简历和封面,
【4周达】Write to Influence!: Personnel Appraisals, Resumes, Awards, Grants, Scholarships, Internship... [9780997593020],
海外直订Survival Writing (How to Write Letters, Resumes, Pitches, Invoices, Emails, Arti 生存写作(如何写信件、简历,
【4周达】The Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters That Work [9780814433935],
海外直订The Road to Yale: Application, Essays, and Resumes That Wowed Yale Admission Off 耶鲁之路:令耶鲁招生官惊叹,
【4周达】Blue Collar Resumes-Third Edition [9780963355867],
【4周达】101 Best Resumes for Grads [9780071395069],
海外直订Expert Resumes and Linkedin Profiles for Managers & Executives 经理和高管的专家简历和Linkedin简介,
海外直订Best Resumes for $100,000+ Jobs 10万美元以上职位的最佳简历,
【4周达】Resumes for Social Service Careers [9780071467810], |