

海外直订Recycling of Electronic Waste II: Proceedings of the Second Symposium 电子废物的回收利用II:第二届学术研讨会

海外直订Recycling of Electronic Waste II: Proceedings of the Second Symposium 电子废物的回收利用II:第二届学术研讨会,

海外直订International Laterite Nickel Symposium 国际红土镍研讨会

海外直订International Laterite Nickel Symposium 国际红土镍研讨会,

海外直订Business Process Management Workshops: Bpm 2022 International Workshops, Münster 业务流程管理研讨会:

海外直订Business Process Management Workshops: Bpm 2022 International Workshops, Münster 业务流程管理研讨会:,

海外直订The Writing Workshop: Write More, Write Better, Be Happier in Academia 写作研讨会:写得更多,写得更好,在学术界

海外直订The Writing Workshop: Write More, Write Better, Be Happier in Academia 写作研讨会:写得更多,写得更好,在学术界,

单周尧教授七秩华诞国际学术研讨会论文集 上下册 港台原版 李雄溪 招祥麒 郭鹏飞 许子滨 香港中华 经学 出土文献【中商原版

单周尧教授七秩华诞国际学术研讨会论文集 上下册 港台原版 李雄溪 招祥麒 郭鹏飞 许子滨 香港中华 经学 出土文献【中商原版,

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海外直订NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics NBER国际宏观经济学研讨会

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海外直订Harvest From The Vineyard: Lessons Learned from the Vineyard Symposiums 葡萄园的收获:葡萄园研讨会的经验教训

海外直订Harvest From The Vineyard: Lessons Learned from the Vineyard Symposiums 葡萄园的收获:葡萄园研讨会的经验教训,

海外直订Requirements Elicitation Interviews and Workshops - Simply Put!: Best Practices, 需求引出面试和研讨会-简单

海外直订Requirements Elicitation Interviews and Workshops - Simply Put!: Best Practices, 需求引出面试和研讨会-简单,

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海外直订Universalities in Condensed Matter: Proceedings of the Workshop, Les Houches, Fr 凝聚态物质的普遍性:研讨会

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海外直订Pavi09: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop from Parity Violation to H Pavi09:第四届国际研讨会

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海外直订Workshop on High Performance Computing and Gigabit Local Area Networks 高性能计算和千兆局域网研讨会

海外直订Workshop on High Performance Computing and Gigabit Local Area Networks 高性能计算和千兆局域网研讨会,

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海外直订Static Analysis: Second International Symposium, SAS '95, Glasgow, Uk, September 静态分析:第二届国际研讨会,S

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海外直订Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Cyclodextrins: Munich, West 第四届环糊精国际研讨会论文集:

海外直订Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Cyclodextrins: Munich, West 第四届环糊精国际研讨会论文集:,

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海外直订Metainformatics: International Symposium, MIS 2004, Salzburg, Austria, September 元信息学:国际研讨会,MIS

海外直订Metainformatics: International Symposium, MIS 2004, Salzburg, Austria, September 元信息学:国际研讨会,MIS,

海外直订Algorithms and Computations: 10th International Symposium, Isaac'99, Chennai, In 算法与计算:第10届国际研讨会

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海外直订Algorithm Engineering: 4th International Workshop, Wae 2000 Saarbrücken, Germany 算法工程:第四届国际研讨会

海外直订Algorithm Engineering: 4th International Workshop, Wae 2000 Saarbrücken, Germany 算法工程:第四届国际研讨会,